Made Again As I Recall

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A line of people wave at the fog-packed window.
I write to you lines at a time, as I
Dress, between each article of clothing:
I am on my way past a view
We can’t understand as your jingling similes
That like your shirt we keep from touching
Your damp back; no one needs to know
You sweat while dancing but the truth is
tugging like a kite. Or if it is real
It has been effaced-- ruined by the hasty hand
Of a servant toppling a large cup of coffee.
What seemed so stable will be made again
As I recall most everything as You,
as I ask you to keep close,
Then say you love me more than you can say
You will not buy out of the system we
Are all busy thinking about how to-
gether we’ve gotten. It’s the biggest deal in history.
Now people live for decades
Like bridges get fixed, fall out of memory on
One side of which we drop distinctive twigs
To follow floating to the other, visible below the low mist.