An Emphractic
Thursday, December 8, 2011
After a series of paintings by Emily
We saw everything you could imagine and there were hundreds of them.
My question is: you slept alone last night. So for all this time
I've been Nixon and you've been yourself, sitting by the window
where, somewhere in the gathering, light rain wooshes a cloud's edge
just above the blue midsection of a lightly tinseled tree
clear against the lighter blue wall, which is background only
thru the elimination of less likely colors in a similar kind of pattern
which he almost points out, saying "I have been awake for eleven hours
and I am ready to go to sleep now. I am that to which you would say NO to
but you missed me: I was twenty minutes late. I did see something, it does relate
to looking into those townships groups and communities because
of the way the growth of the city had formed ignorance or disregard
of the deep river below the drift of snow which obscures it, purely. Rosy too,
as smoke and fog will allow; as little bits of red creep everywhere
and a comet will disintegrate backwards. We are loathe to drop it out,
lest there is deliberation. You draw a cherry branch towards them.
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