After the First Movement Seen Above the Sapphire Throne
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Your house shrugged off its loose feathers
And dammed the puddles along with blown leaves;
When they bring out the flambè dish a man whispers
In order to assure you that you should scream.
In there is the fish that will not break his stare.
And the crowd goes wild at the motif’s return
In the likeness of the thoughts of the wise,
In the likeness of sapphire strung into string
There was a lot of high fives and shaking of hands
Congratulating one another and looking each other in the eye.
Turn your head about to sul pont, then apart
And tried to see of what sort it is. Then a voice
Bespoke the man arrived all clothed in linen whites.
I saw, as it were, the appearance of the living creatures,
The living creatures with His four faces, each looking up.
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