Love that Costumes
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
While often rapt in plosive elegancies, we are searching
And powered by nuance let and pushed off like steam
Around a sweating metal spout.
You know I had already run away by this point.
I had begun to run without knowing I went
Along almost scratching my nose against the pavements
Of Paris. The twist at the end is he is meeting a woman.
And, you know, he did make it out.
He did escape and become successful.
They (Christie and Springsteen) have met twice
And don't talk. I have my keys in my pocket
And my hands are filled with grocery bags
Which I now place on the ground and later onto the counter.
But the dish tastes good and would be sad if swept away
By the texture of the meat and power
Of anything I can imagine coming from me.
I can't reinvest a leather coat worn over
Linen undergarments, by definition it is
Gin-based and delicious. That's what agape tastes like
The shoulders rubbed in oil and singled hairs
Feeling like cracks or imperfections I thought that I felt
It while looking for my glasses, such as boulders in a river-
bed, in bed. Guiding only from
Below and aside--and the
Theatrical convention is for no-
body to hear him though
Ophelia is also onstage.
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