Valediction for Joelle
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I have the chance to really be somebody, we think.
This I consider my most salient feature.
I speak to many people, like they're water
And I am a green glass soon to be beautiful though
Currently at an antepenultimate stage of truth.
I am going to be new-agey next year, I can feel it.
An ominous tone as the observer comes into focus.
A man in scrubs rubbing his hands together, wondering
If the existence of the system is merely a moral imperative
From the point of view of totality, the same river
Thats flows beside the throne of God, the same,
Side-tracked. Interested, so to speak, when you say
Rising early and returning quietly. Left watching Pawn Stars.
The auditory flash-forward forestalls suspense and represents
With an equal disregard for tragic overtones
An American tragedy whose subjects have been absorbed,
Bit by bit. I feel so hedonistic, surfing and scattered.
Your child is missing. Where are you taking that train.
The Lake Shore North has been closed; anyways,
It's not my car. We have become one flesh
And the flesh is you. The proper entity of comparison
Is the world. Trying to contain them so
To beat them later, I guess. Wisconsin to Chicago
To Austin to Houston then north again.
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